RocklockTM Bases

Swap Vises & Fixtures Quickly
A standard mounting pattern allows for easy movement of vises, fixtures, and tooling from machine to machine no setup time
High Accuracy
Patented free float design ensures equal force on all 4 pull studs guaranteeing repeatability of less than .0003″ (8 microns)
Designed and Built For All 3, 4 and 5 Axis CNC Machines
Standardize Your Setups

Stop building custom adapters and subplates for every new job that comes into the shop. Job changeover becomes simple and repeatable with the RockLock system, saving you time and money.
Simplify Programming

Established work offsets help speed up programming time when adjusting for different jobs and top tooling.
Easy Integration

Pull studs are easily integrated into existing fixtures and subplates. Standard 52mm and 96mm spacing allow for compatability with competitive systems.
Smooth Operation

All units are operated via a simple allen wrench. The leadscrew only needs to be operated from one side, but has access from both sides; no reaching around your vise or parts.
Built To Last

All RockLock baseplates feature hardened steel rings and locking mechanisms. This ensures repeatability and wear resistance for the life of the product.
Designed For Your Machine

The RockLock product line was built with specific machines in mind. Make sure to provide your machine make and model when ordering to get the unit that is a perfect fit for your application.